+358 50 329 4547 | sales.elba@villaelba.fi
Open on weekdays 8-15 or as agreed

Kayak tour

Ryhmä naisia lähdössä melomaan punaisilla kajakeilla

The destination of the tour is selected together, the route depends also on and the weather. We choose a place nearby we will also explore the exciting history of the area. Weather dependant.​


Lintubongari katselee lintuja

We take a guided hike along boardwalks to a bird protection area and a birdwatching tower. We bring binoculars, a bird guidebook, and a telescope with us.

Youth Work for Mutual Understanding seminar

Villa Elba organized a seminar with the theme ‘Youth Work for Mutual Understanding’ from October 7th to 11th. Main topics were the definition of mutual understanding in different contexts and networking in the field of international youth work.

Embracing Diversity and Growth in Krioneri: A Volunteering Experience

Embracing Diversity and Growth in Krioneri: A Volunteering Experience We recently had the incredible opportunity to volunteer in Krioneri, a charming village of about 900 residents. Arriving a day earlier than the other volunteers, we found ourselves both intrigued and nervous. Meeting new people is always a mix of excitement and anxiety, especially when the […]

BLOG: My experience about volunteering

woman in the water

Blog: My volunteering experience Hello, I’m Marie, and I come from France. I did a voluntary trip in the summer of 2024 on a little island called “Mässkär” in Finland with Villa Elba. I was a student who wanted to enjoy his school holidays before this last year of study, with the ambition to discover […]

Summer for success: Running summer camps and renovating a cottage on an island.

Nuoret hymyilevät mökin edessä

Summer for Success: Running summer camps and renovating a cottage on an island. European Solidarity Corps volunteers helped organize children’s camps and renovated the Södra Trutklippan cottage in June 2024. During the five-week project, ten volunteers from various European countries organized summer camps that were open to local children and worked on the nearby island […]

BLOG: Becoming an ESC volounteer in Lapland​

Woman on the moss

Merve participated in an exciting volunteer work project coordinated by Villa Elba in the charming municipality of Ranua from May 22, 2023, to April 21, 2024. Here’s how she describes her unforgettable experience.

BLOG: Planet on a plate

people planting plants

BLOG: Planet on a plate Planet on a plate? -Reunion? -A high school reunion? These are questions that’s been asked of us, International club members, ever since the start of this project. So, let’s start by clarifying everything. Planet on a plate, or PoP. What does that mean? Briefly told, is a group of young […]

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