+358 50 329 4547 | sales.elba@villaelba.fi
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Adventure education

Adventure education is one of the key points in the programs at Villa Elba. Adventure education meansNeljä ihmistä kävelee merenjäällä lumikengillä experiencing something exiting and unpredictable, often outdoors in nature, that gives a feeling of success and growth. At Villa Elba, we focus especially on the physical and mental safety in our adventure programs.

Read more about adventure education in Finland: Adventure education | Suomen nuorisokeskusyhdistys (snk.fi)

We coordinate the Regional network for adventure education in Western and Inner Finland. Are you an adventure educator in this area? Welcome to our network! We meet a couple times a year to discuss our experiences and ideas about adventure education.

Join our Facebook group (mostly in Finnish and Swedish): Länsi- ja Keski-Suomen Alueellinen Seikkailukasvatusverkosto | Groups | Facebook

Contact person for the network:Ryhmä naisia lähdössä melomaan punaisilla kajakeilla

Kaija Lackström


Sarah Granlund


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